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Dubai to become the next big destination for health tourism according to Dubai Health Authority
8 Jun, 2021 / 03:39 AM / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


When the pandemic hit last year, the world came to a standstill. Borders shut and businesses ceased to function. However, this year, countries have been focusing on flattening the curve with more and more vaccination drives, as experts’ opinion that would be one of fewer ways to bring things back to the new normal.

While world countries continue to vaccinate the masses, Dubai has been one step ahead of many. Dubai is set to be the next big health tourism destination as the city encourages ‘high vaccination rate boosting visitors’ confidence.

Previously, Israel was leading the world countries in mass vaccinating, however, the UAE has now overtaken Israel to become the most vaccinated country in the world. As of Friday, the Emirates has administered over 13.2 million vaccine doses and counting.

With world-class health infrastructure and better medical facilities, the UAE is the world’s most vaccinated country. Dubai’s track record in dealing with Covid and administering vaccinations for visitors will make the region the next big destination for health tourism. The move will not only encourage people to travel to the emirate for tourism but also seek quality healthcare.

Dubai has a total of 40,000 licensed healthcare professionals in the public as well as the private sector and the emirate is ready to offer elective health and wellness treatments to visitors.

With the government promoting Dubai as a global medical hub with investing in the health care sector, the emirate is expected to attract over 500,000 medical tourists this year, as per a study by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Dubai is relying on a lot of tourism –be it health or business tourism. While the pandemic is here to stay for a while, Dubai health tourism is going to benefit the region, as well as the travellers.