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Dubai’s 7Days newspaper and website to fold amidst 'severely challenged' advertising market
27 Nov, 2016 / 11:30 AM / Mahmoud

Source: http://www.thedrum.com


Dubai’s 7Days newspaper has announced it is to cease publishing this year, ending a 13-year run of reporting news from the desert city in both print and online.

In common with much of the rest of the world the United Arab Emirates has seen traditional publishing models fail in the face of shrinking advertising revenues and print audiences, despite the website attracting a loyal following.

Best known for its community-centric brief and exposes of the exploitation of migrant labourers in grandiose construction projects the title’s demise will come as little surprise to its dwindling readership – when speculation on its future first began.

Explaining his decision to throw in the towel CEO Mark Rixsaid: “The current trading environment and future global outlook for print advertising remains severely challenged. Whilst it was our stated intention to re-focus and restructure the business for 2017 and beyond, it has since proved not possible to create an acceptable cost base that could deliver a viable and sustainable business.

“It is therefore with great sadness that we announce the unique 7Daysnews brand will close and thus, cease to inform and entertain the UAE in its refreshing and inimitable way.”

Both newspaper and website will cease publication on 22 December.
