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Source: https://me.mashable.com/
The machine uses solar energy and can generate about 24 litres of drinking water every day.
Different parts of the Middle East are rich in resources ranging from oil to natural gas, with gulf countries being one of the major suppliers of fossil fuel to the world, but at the same time large swaths of the region are covered with dry deserts. Even as the abundance of sunlight and wind has opened doors for generation of renewable energy, and natural gas is also being repurposed to ensure food security, a consistent supply of drinking water remains a challenge for many parts of the Arab world.
With innovation being adopted at an accelerated pace, clean energy is being used for desalination, and drones that zap clouds are being deployed to make it rain in the gulf. Although these methods are effective, they still remain expensive, which is why an engineer from Egypt has put together an intelligent robot, which can squeeze out water from thin air at a lower cost.
Powered by solar panels, the droid in the desert condenses humidity in the air and absorbs moisture, which is then converted into clean drinking water. The step where mineral salts need to be added till the water becomes suitable for consumption, is carried out by AI embedded in the smart machine.
Machine learning uses WHO's guidelines as a benchmark to add mineral salts, and the water has also been tested in a lab to make sure the end products is in line in with global standards. The innovator got the idea to get fresh water from air as an alternative to desalination, after noticing that global warming has led to increased humidity in the environment.
The affordable mechanism on this robot also consumes just 60 watts of electricity a day, and can extract as much as 24 litres of water in 24 hours. The droid that works on solar power can be used even in remote parts of the region, and the same tech can be used for plants that generate 50,000 litres of water every day.
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