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Emirati firm explores carbon capture and hydrogen fuel to cut emissions
30 Nov, 2021 / 06:12 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


The increasing efforts for mitigating the damage caused by greenhouse gases have given rise to innovative methods of generating clean energy, which can help countries as well as corporations cut down on emissions that continue to plague our environment. After establishing the world's largest solar park, Dubai also went on to use electricity from the facility to power smelters that are facilitating the production of eco-friendly aluminium, which is now being used by carmaker BMW for its electric vehicles.

Other than lighting up households with green energy, solar and wind power are being used to enable the efficient functioning of desalination plants among other industrial units, in order to reduce the carbon footprint without hampering business operations. Among companies seeking out innovative methods to keep emissions low, Emirati aluminium manufacturer EGA has turned towards hydrogen as a fuel for turning natural gas turbines, which it uses for generating electricity.

Being one of the largest producers of power in the UAE, the EGA now has 33 such turbines, which may soon be backed by hydrogen as a resource for sustainability. In addition to that, the company is also looking at carbon capture and storage as an option to repurpose emissions instead of releasing them into the atmosphere.

As its units will draw power from electricity generated using hydrogen or captured carbon, the EGA will be able to supply metal that can allow global businesses to reduce their carbon footprint.

Equipped with tech to create clean fuel by splitting water molecules, the UAE even presented a hydrogen roadmap at the COP26 summit, to tackle climate change. Since the gas only leaves behind water after being used as fuel, hydrogen is a viable option to reach net zero emission targets.

The UAE and its neighbour Saudi Arabia are both zooming ahead towards generation of green hydrogen as well as blue amonia for domestic use, and also for energy exports to Japan and European nations.