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Facebook Adds Additional Labels to Posts from Satirical Pages
11 Apr, 2021 / 02:42 AM / Omnes Media


Facebook is adding additional labels to posts from Pages that appear in users’ News Feeds in a bid to reduce confusion about their origin. These labels will include “public official,” “fan page,” and “satire page.” The company says it’s already started testing the deployment of these labels in the US, and will gradually add them to more posts.

Facebook hasn’t offered any explanation as to why it’s adding these labels, but identifying satire seems particularly important. If you examine some social satirical newsfeed the posts are essentially a type of misinformation, even if their creators did not intend this. Even high profile figures like former president Donald Trump have mistaken these stories for real reports.

This isn’t the first time the social network giant has tried to make the context of posts in the News Feed clearer. In June last year it began labeling media outlets which are “wholly or partially under the editorial control of their government.” Such outlets need labels, argued Facebook, because “they combine the influence of a media organization with the strategic backing of a state, and we believe people should know if the news they read is coming from a publication that may be under the influence of a government.”

The labeling is just in the testing phase now. More pages may eventually be labeled.

This isn’t the first time Facebook has tried to give users more context around posts they read.

Source- The Verge

Country- U.S