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Foreign Journalists Charged After Flying Drone Near Myanmar's Parliament
29 Oct, 2017 / 06:48 pm / OMNES News


Turkish reporters and their helpers will be held until 10 November amid tensions with Ankara over the Rohingya crisis.

Myanmar police have charged two foreign journalists and two Burmese locals after they flew a drone over the country’s parliament.

The men – two of whom work for Turkish state media – will be held in custody until their first court hearing over allegations they breached import laws. The charges – relating to the import and export of “restricted or banned goods” without obtaining a licence – are punishable by up to three years in jail or a fine.

Deputy police colonel Kyaw Moe said: “We have opened a case against all four – two foreigners and two Burmese. They will be held on remand until November 10.”

The foreigners – Lau Hon Meng from Singapore and Mok Choy Lin from Malaysia – were arrested on Friday in Myanmar’s capital, Naypyidaw, while on assignment for Turkish state broadcaster TRT.

The pair were working with well-known Myanmar journalist Aung Naing Soe and a local driver, Hla Tin.

The incident comes as tensions surge between Myanmar and Turkey, which has led criticism of the south-east Asian nation for its treatment of the persecuted Rohingya Muslim minority.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Myanmar of incubating “Buddhist terror” and carrying out a genocide against the Muslim group.

More than 600,000 Rohingya have fled Myanmar’s Rakhine state since late August, running from burning villages they say were set alight by soldiers and Buddhist mobs.

Several journalists have been arrested in Myanmar this year, fuelling fears of an erosion of the press freedoms that blossomed after the end of junta rule in 2011. Many have been charged with defamation or arrested for reporting on armed rebel groups.