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Former Facebook CMO Gary Briggs joins Michael Bloomberg's Presidential Campaign
27 Nov, 2019 / 10:00 am / Anas Barbarawi


Michael Bloomberg ,the Democratic U .S Presidential nomination has chosen  the right digital director to incorporate Facebook into his campaign. Gary Briggs, who stepped down as Facebook’s chief marketing officer in January 2018 will now be joining as Digital director for Bloomberg’s campaign

Gary Briggs who was a leading executive  at Facebook brought on board by Bloomberg as his digital director, as the billionaire prepares to channel his wealth into a massive television and digital ad campaign. Bloomberg is expected to go for broke in the race by sanctioning an unprecedented advertising war chest to propel him into the lead over his Democratic rivals in the race for his party’s nomination, allocating $31m for TV ads this week alone.

Briggs has got vast experience in the digital world and has spent more than five years at Facebook. Earlier he has worked with Motorola Mobility,Google, eBay and PayPal  If successful, this could open the floodgates for saturation coverage next year in a titanic battle as Bloomberg and Trump would face off against one another in a battle to become the next US president.

Balancing his spending between television and digital mediums like Facebook, Bloomberg is going to pour truckloads of money into Facebook ads, as well. Briggs also becomes one of the senior-most Big Tech executives in the upper ranks of the presidential campaigns