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Fox News and Facebook to Host Virtual Town Hall on Covid-19
2 Apr, 2020 / 01:13 PM / omnes


Facebook and Fox News announced that they will be jointly hosting a virtual town hall  about the coronavirus pandemic using Facebook’s Portal video-calling devices.

 Facebook is shipping a Portal plus device to every audience member to allow people  to participate virtually  so that they can attend the town hall and ask questions to the speakers. Approximately 30 people will attend the town hall, but not all of them will be participating at the same time, so the number of people connected to the town hall at any given moment via Portal will vary, Facebook tells The Verge. According  to the Facebook suppor page If a Portal call is made using Messenger, a total of eight people can be on the call at the same time.

The town hall is being hosted virtually to allow participants to practice social distancing and respect orders to remain at home, which can help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus.

According to a press release issued by Fox News the town hall will be moderated by Martha MacCallum, host of Fox News’ show The Story, and she will be broadcasting from Fox News’ New York City studio, Fox News tells The Verge that the town hall will feature “medical and business experts, including White House coronavirus task force members Dr. Deborah Birx and Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams”. The White House coronavirus task force members will appear on the town hall from a broadcast studio in Washington, DC, according to Fox News. Mike Rowe will also appear via Portal for a segment, according to Facebook.

The one-hour town hall will be broadcasted on Fox News and live streamed on Fox News’ Facebook page, Fox’s CoronavirusNOW.com news hub, Fox’s CoronavirusNOW channel on Samsung TV Plus, and on all Fox TV stations’ websites, Facebook pages and apps.