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German entrepreneur to launch flying cabs in Dubai to help tourists glide over traffic snarls
14 Dec, 2021 / 06:15 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


Dubai appears to be suitable for initiating the service since it has 60 helipads, which is more than any other city.

As global cities zoom ahead towards the future with intelligent tech, digitisation and innovative solutions for everyday life, traffic snarls along with an absence of a swift commute can disrupt their journey towards evolving as smart urban spaces. This is why Emirati cities like Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah among others, have been exploring options in the public transport sector, including sky pods suspended above the road, autonomous vehicles and electric buses that can draw power from the ground while moving, so that residents can keep up with the pace of progress.

With fertile ground for digitisation along with glitch free connectivity, Dubai has been attracting global tech brands as well as entrepreneurs with new-age ideas, and some like the founder of Telegram have also established their base in the thriving mega city. Another innovative mind which has landed on Emirati shores driven by sky high ambitions, is a German businessman who has zeroed in on Dubai as the launchpad for his sky taxi venture, considering the acceptance of tech-backed services in the city.

Further encouraged by the fact that Dubai has the largest number of helipads for any metropolitan area in the world at 60, Louis Tag is set to introduce Air Connect in the region, which faces a challenge from traffic as its population is rising. The service aimed at boosting smart mobility, will start by focusing on tourists, who often have to miss their flights since they get stuck in traffic snarls on Emirati roads.

Air Connect will initially be a service that'll carry travellers from airports to hotels and then back, just in time to hop on board without a hassle. Once these aerial rides become more commonplace in the smart city, they'll tackle traffic congestion in general, ultimately leading to a lower carbon footprint thanks to reduced emissions.

Tag's announcement comes just days after Saudi Arabia placed an order for electric volocopters to carry people and cargo around in its upcoming smart city as part of NEOM.