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Giphy Now Shares the Number of Times a GIF Has Been Viewed
29 Aug, 2017 / 04:52 pm / OMNES News

Source: http://www.adweek.com


Users can now tell how popular a GIF is on Giphy thanks to the platform’s new view count feature. GIF view counts are available on every GIF posted by an official artist or partner on Giphy. When viewing a GIF’s page on Giphy’s website, its view count appears under the sharing buttons at the right side of the screen.


Giphy said a view is counted each time a user sees a GIF, regardless of how many times the GIF loops. Users can also visit an artist’s or partner’s channel to see how many GIFs they have uploaded, as well as the cumulative view count for all of their GIFS.

Giphy’s popularity continues to grow, with the company saying it now has more than 200 million daily users, up from 100 million in October 2016. Last fall, Giphy announced that it was serving 1 billion GIFs per day, and that users were spending more than 2 million hours viewing GIFs every day.