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The new logo is more bright and appealing than ever before.
Google Chrome is a popular Internet browser that was released on December 11, 2008. Synchronization with Google services and accounts, tabbed browsing, and automated translation and word check of online pages are just a few of it's features. The Omnibox, which is an integrated address bar/search bar, is also included.
While the major update for Google Chrome is on the way. However, last week, Alvin Hu, a Google Chrome designer, announced that the web browser will get a new logo. The new logo is more bright and appealing than ever before. For the first time in eight years, the Google Chrome logo is changing. Google modified the Chrome logo for the last time in 2014. In comparison to the current design, the new Chrome logo appears to be more bright and appealing. However, you won't see the difference unless you put on your glasses and look attentively.
According to Hu, Google contemplated a new look for Chrome but didn't think it was very appealing. "We looked into providing more negative space," he remarked. White, on the other hand, necessitates a stroke, which reduces the overall size of the emblem and makes it more difficult to recognize, especially in other situations."
Reports suggest that the Chrome logo incorporates the colors red, green, yellow, blue, and white, all of which are brighter than ever in the new design. If you only glance at the new logo, you might not notice much of a difference. When comparing the present and new logos, though, the difference is clear.
"Some of you may have spotted a new icon in Chrome's Canary version today," Hu said, announcing the long-awaited change in the Chrome logo. Yes! For the first time in 8 years, we're updating Chrome's brand icons."
The redesigned icons will be available on all of your devices soon." With the release of Chrome 100, users will be able to see the redesigned Google Chrome logo on all devices.
On the other hand, this new logo became the center of attraction as netizens are having a memefest on Twitter. But jokes aside, the old and new logos are just like the Judwaa brothers.
We've been seeing how the Google Chrome logo has progressed over the years and we absolutely love how darker it gets with each upgrade.
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