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Google Docs introduces additional tone and style suggestions
4 Apr, 2022 / 10:04 AM / Google

Source: http://www.me-mashable.com


Mashable: The style writing recommendation will be made available to Google Workspace users in the coming weeks.

For a long time, Google Docs has included autocorrect and grammar check capabilities. It is now integrating more complex tools to help you improve your writing style.

Google Docs will soon give style and writing suggestions in documents to help you write more concisely, inclusively, and dynamically. As you type, you'll notice suggestions for utilizing an active voice in sentences, deleting unnecessary phrases, choosing other terms to provide variety, and avoiding repeating words in your writings. Furthermore, Google Docs can also recognize potentially biased and incorrect expressions and give suggestions to make your work more inclusive for your target audience. The following proposals can be found in the documents:

Alternate wording
Using active voice
Making sentence structure more concise
Use of more inclusive language
Potential inappropriate words

“You’ll see suggestions when there are opportunities to structure a sentence with an active voice or when a sentence can be more concise, helping to make your writing more impactful. Potentially discriminatory or inappropriate language will be flagged, along with suggestions on how to make your writing more inclusive and appropriate for your audience,” the official blog post says.

Suggestions for tone and style will display as purple lines. When you click on the underline, a brief description of the proposal appears, along with two buttons that allow you to accept or reject the suggestion. These features will be enabled by default, and you can manage them through the Tools menu.

The style writing recommendation will be made available to Google Workspace users in the coming weeks. Customers with Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, and Education Plus will be able to request tone and style suggestions. Meanwhile, subscribers to Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, Education Plus, Teaching, and Learning Up will be able to view word warnings for unsuitable and discriminatory language.

Google Docs has added support for more Markdown syntax, allowing users to format text and add headings and links to their papers.