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Guaranteed Publishing…Is it the way forward?
15 Apr, 2022 / 02:58 PM / OMNES Media LLC


Let’s start by explaining what the whole publishing thing is about!

In the last few years, PR has seen a shift from playing second fiddle to advertising, to then moving into the limelight and then a whole change to become a closer relative to content creation. That said, the value of PR should not come under questioning, but the process can!
When a brand wants to send out a press release, they have two options, call the media yourself or go though an agency. Going through an agency is usually the best bet as they have good relationships with the media which then give the brand better chances to have their Press release published.
The other side of the coin is at the publisher’s end. Usually, they provide the publishing service for free, but they link it to many factors which can be what the publishers will be asking: 1- Does this brand spend on advertising with us? 2- Do we like this brand? 3- Is this story important? 4- Will this brand spend on advertising with us in the future? …etc.
In most cases, the publisher will publish the press release if any of the above questions are answered with (yes), but due to the setup of their publication, they might not release it at the right time or even at all. And agencies will end up having to explain why this one publication did not publish as opposed to be rewarded for the many others that did.
This is where guaranteed publishing comes in! With guaranteed publishing, certain companies strike deals with publishers and create networks. The deal is simple; you publish the press release; we pay you for it. With this, the press gets published in a simpler, faster and a confirmed format. That said, the publications will always have the option to refuse a press release if it goes against the publication grain.
So here is the question: Would you consider it?