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Source: https://me.mashable.com/
AI and cloud computing will work together to produce accurate results for the gadget.
Following the successful deployment of online apps and digital tools for containing a pandemic via tracking and tracing of infected patients in the Middle East, devices for facilitating contactless service as well as remote consultations are gaining ground in the region. Gadgets which enable people to conduct sophisticated medical tests at home have been launched in the past year, alongside apps which turn smartphones into equipment for conducting checkups via sensors.
The pandemic which saw robots being deployed as caregivers in Bahrain, also opened doors for smart solutions that monitored people undergoing dialysis as they sat in the waiting area of a hospital, to reduce pressure on the staff. In order to ease the process of conducting sophisticated tests on patients without having to deal with heavy machinery that also requires space, a Saudi-based healthtech company has tied up with a global player, to launch a portable ultrasound device.
Created by Butterfly Network and branded as iQ+, the handheld gadget relies on leading solutions like AI and cloud computing, that work together to produce accurate results through the tool for quick ultrasound tests. It can scan the whole body, while being connected to a smartphone, which enables users to access high quality footage for better clarity, and choose presets to focus on specific aspects of the anatomy.
Apart from offering four different imaging modes, the iQ+ also supports telemedicine by relaying the visual data to doctors, while the ultrasound test on different organs can be conducted at home. Using 3D visualisation tech, AI can also calculate the volume of vital organs, while doctors get to upload all the information in one secure cloud storage unit.
Medical professionals can share the results via email to keep the patient up to speed with their health, or to enhance collaboration with colleagues as well as other doctors, for more insights. Thanks to optimised battery and super-quick imaging, the iQ+ brings consistency to the table, while it compresses an entire ultrasound mechanism into one compact silicon chip.
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