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High-End Web Portal, OMNESmedia.com, Incorporates Over 1000 Media Organisations Gulf-wide
6 Mar, 2017 / 11:54 AM / Mahmoud

Source: http://www.omnesmedia.com


More than 1700 media people have joined the portal since its official launch

Sheikh Sultan Bin Ahmed Al Qasimi, Chairman of BASMA Media: “Work has already kicked off in Egypt, North Africa, Jordan, Lebanon & Palestine… We are forging ahead toward universality.”

Since OMNESmedia.com, a specialised platform that provides innovative digital solutions covering all media sectors across the globe, was launched in the UAE in January, the high-end web portal has received more than 1700 media people from different media organisations across the GCC States. In addition, up to 1000 media and marketing companies have registered for the unique media solutions provider, 67% of which are media corporations and 33% of which are marketing, advertising and media support services firms. The web portal was launched by BASMA Media, a leading company specialising in media support services.

The UAE accounts for 63% of the data registered and compiled in the web portal, a fact which further verifies the considerable base of media, advertising and marketing organisations and agencies hosted by the country. The remainder of the GCC states is responsible for the other 37%.

Commenting on the positive interactive environment created by the company recently, Sheikh Sultan Bin Ahmed Al Qasimi, Chairman of BASMA Media said, “The UAE, Gulf and Arab media scene is a favorite to thousands of companies and organisations operating in a sector vital to the economy. As such, we are committed to turn OMNESmedia.com into a premier digital platform that represents a reliable and authentic source of information for media people, professionals and all those interested in the marketing and media scene across the region.”

He added: “The interactive involvement exhibited by our audience and by different media sectors has reflected the growing importance of having authentic and reliable sources of information that cater to the needs of the media, advertising and marketing services in the region. And today, we thank God Almighty that OMNESmedia.com covers most of the media organisations in the GCC States. Work is underway to complete and integrate the information and data of private sector companies working in different media fields.”

Chairman Sheikh Al Qasimi noted that OMNESmedia.com has already started compiling media information about companies operating in Egypt, North Africa, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine before embarking on the US and Europe markets as per the official expansion plan.

On his part, Nasser Al Sarami, CEO of BASMA Media, mentioned that OMNESmedia.com, being a high-end smart digital solution provider, offers a variety and depth of information, thus bringing myriad benefits to media organisations and individuals working in the booming industry.

He notes: “We will tirelessly seek to attract different media organsations, companies and high potential individuals working all over the world while continuing to develop new digital solutions over the current year in a way that ensures our continued quest towards distinction and excellence. The entire world is now witnessing a transition toward digital and electronic services, a shift that underlines the significance of our digital platform.”

OMNESmedia.Com is a unique state-of-the-art socio-informative Web Portal that empowers all parties concerned within the media industry, including advertisers, PR professionals and so on to connect, measure and reach their objectives through one single platform that caters to all kinds of media, marketing and advertorial requirements.