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How Netflix's Newest Decision Could Have A Ripple Effect On Media Industry
11 Nov, 2016 / 12:58 AM / Anas Barbarawi


Netflix has always been a trendsetter, even in some cases where it may not necessarily be trying to bring about change.

The company recently revealed it will not take its usual spot at the media's Television Critics Associations (TCA) press tour in January, citing logistical reasons.

Regardless of the reason, a major player no-showing TCA is rarely done and Netflix doing so could set up a domino effect in the industry with other networks following suit.

TCA has shown its age in recent years and many have questioned if it still serves the same value it had in previous years.

As goes Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX), so goes the TV industry.

That's never been truer than as of late and the company's latest news could again be a game-changer. Yet this isn't a big series acquisition, technological enhancement or executive hire, it's actually what they are NOT doing that makes this important.

Twice a year TV critics gather in Los Angeles for the Television Critics Association media tour. TCA, as it more commonly referred to, accounts for a large part of a network's budget every year. Simply put it is a HUGE undertaking for all involved.

For those unfamiliar, TCA is basically a two week marathon where everyday a major network (or in some cases multiple) present the best and brightest from its upcoming slate. It is panel-after-panel with A-lister after A-lister. Every night usually ends with a giant party where the media can get one-on-one time with actors, showrunners and executives.

Since 2013 Netflix has been a part of the festivities but this year it's skippingthe event and that could cause an industry wide ripple effect. Now the official reason given for the company sitting this one out is logistics as the upcoming presidential inauguration is wreaking havoc on scheduling. As a result TCA organizers changed their schedule and that caused Netflix to bow out.