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How to Create an ATS Friendly Resume
10 May, 2020 / 05:53 PM / OMNES


The internet has completely transformed the job searching operations .Gone are the days when you’d go and search for a job . Now everything and anything has become online. An applicant tracking system — or ATS, for short — is a type of software used by recruiters and employers during the hiring process to collect, sort, scan, and rank the job applications they receive for their open positions.

Approximately 95 percent of Fortune 500 companies rely on ATS software to help streamline their recruitment process. However, what began as a recruitment solution for large employers has turned into a commonplace tool for companies of all shapes and sizes. An ATS does more than just track applications—it can also act as a filter for  processing every resume submitted and forwarding only the most relevant, qualified job seekers to a hiring manager or recruiter.  Making an ATS friendly CV is lot more easier and it gives you the advantage of getting hired for the right job.

Now it’s not just a resume for your job search you need to have an ATS CV to get recruited to the right one. Making an ATS friendly CV is quiet easier with some tips and do’s and dont’s .

Contrary to popular belief, a PDF is not the most ATS-friendly file type. While PDF files are the best at preserving the design and format of your resume, it is not compatible with all ATS software. If you're asked to upload your resume to an applicant tracking system and “PDF” is listed among the file types you can, by all means, use a PDF version of your resume. However, if the system does not specify which file types are compatible, play it safe and stick to a Word document in .doc or .docx. Plain-text files are also incredibly ATS-friendly for resumes, but they limit your formating options.

Word document can be the best option for your file as the best resumes are written with two audiences in mind — the robots pre-screening your application and the live human in HR who will review your resume, should it make it past the ATS . This will provide more creative freedom to write a resume that will appeal to a recruiter or hiring manager. One of the ways the ATS narrows an applicant pool is by searching for specific keywords. It’s like a Google search on a much smaller scale.

The recruiter or hiring manager can decide which keywords to search for—usually whatever skills, qualifications, experience, or qualities are most important for performing the job. For entry-level roles, that might mean certain majors, whereas for a tech position, it might be certain coding languages.

Certain degrees and certifications might also be important keywords depending on your profession .You should keep in mind that your important details should not be put in header and footer as the tracking system may find it difficult to read it. Optimizing your CV with key words will give an advantage as it’s easier for the tracking system to locate your details faster. It’s always better to avoid images, charts and other graphics in your CV as Ata will find it difficult to read it. Avoid using intricate characters when creating a bulleted list on your resume. Stick to the simplest options, such as a solid circle, open circle, or square, to ensure your bullet points enhance your resume, rather than make it incompatible with an ATS.

It’s always better to go for a simple resume to make it readable for ATS and that gives you an advantage of getting hired easily.

Source: By OMNES' Editor