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How To Increase Your Content Exposure On Linkedin
8 Feb, 2018 / 12:20 pm / OMNES News

Source: https://www.strong-content.com


LinkedIn’s publishing platform offers a great opportunity for brands and individuals to showcase their knowledge to a captive audience of professionals, helping to boost their industry status.

But with more than 100,000 posts uploaded to LinkedIn every week, the competition for attention is fierce, and the reality is that unless your post gets picked up by LinkedIn’s Pulse editorial team and shared on a specific channel, it isn’t likely to reach beyond your first degree connections – if it reaches all of them.

So what can you do to boost your chances of increased exposure on LinkedIn?

The professional social network has released a new infographic which incorporates feedback from over 9,000 LinkedIn members and provides insight into why they engage with content on the platform, how sharing behaviour differs between demographic groups and which topics drive the most interest.