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Impact of E-commerce Business on the Behavior of Individual’s Purchasing due to Corona Virus
29 Mar, 2020 / 01:10 PM / OMNES


By OMNESmedia.com Editor

Corona virus, the most deadly pandemic the world has ever come across has affected every nook and cranny of the world. Be it the life of individuals or the business, Covid -19 virus has taken its toll to a total shut down throughout the world. Every business and all activities have come to a standstill and people are mostly stuck to the idea of purchasing their necessary essentials online. Even though e- commerce has become the trend for shoppers for quite some time, this grave situation has boosted e –commerce to a new level. Since most of the countries have declared a lock down or on the verge of it and people’s mobility is restricted, they need to get habituated to the idea of depending on online purchasing even for their daily groceries.

The corona virus has blossomed into a veritable global crisis. Difficulties in e-commerce are inevitable. However, since it rarely helps to panic, you should now prepare yourself for the worst. In times of global markets and merchandise management systems that extend across continents, online trade is also clearly feeling the consequences of the epidemic itself on the other side of the planet. The days of crisis are always known as opportunities where you can grow.

As the countries world over are moving towards a social distancing method to contain the alarming corona virus e-commerce is stepping in to help the people with essential goods purchase.  According to Ipsos MORI, 50% of Chinese and 31% of Italian consumers say they’re shopping online more frequently to purchase products they’d usually buy in-store. Other countries such as Vietnam, India and Russia have also seen their populations turning to ecommerce more often to shop.

The fact that people are stock piling their homes with necessary and unnecessary items to face the stay at home instructions from the respective authorities the e-commerce traders are put into a panic situation. Because of this situation traders are unable to meet the requirements of the consumers to the fullest.  

According to experts grocery apps all over the world have experienced record number of daily downloads. As the virus begins to take its toll in the US, it appears that more and more consumers are turning to online grocery delivery, rather than risking a trip out themselves.

Even though e- commerce has become the channel of shopping for individuals during the hours of crisis, it’s going to be the main business community even after the hard times. The world is going to get habituated to this easy, simple way of purchasing and online shopping is here to stay.