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Source: https://www.prdaily.com
By Robby Brumberg
Like it or not, outlets continue “pivoting toward video.”
Mic, MTV News, Fox Sports, Vocativ and other notable online publications have laid off editorial staff in pursuit of video advertising dollars, which has catapulted livestreaming to hot content commodity status.
Koeppel Direct has an infographic with tips to help you successfully jump into the video fray. For insight into viewer preferences and behaviors, the graphic lists the following stats pulled from a survey:
Sixty-four percent have watched a live online video in the last year.
Seventy-eight percent are already watching Facebook Live videos.
Eighty-two percent prefer live video from a brand to plain-text posts.
What are people watching? According to the infographic:
Twenty-nine percent watch sporting events.
Thirty percent watch videos of family and friends.
Thirty-eight percent watch music concerts and events.
Forty-one percent watch breaking news.
Fifty-three percent watch funny and entertaining videos.
There are plenty of places to upload your livestreams, but Facebook Live reigns as the heavyweight champ. The infographic states that Facebook Live videos are watched “three times longer than regular videos” and that there are 360 million Facebook Live users.
As long as Facebook continues to dominate social media traffic—and favor video-centric content—Facebook Live should remain a safe bet to maximize your reach. However, Instagram Live, YouTube Live, Twitch and Live.ly are also worth a look.
You’ll be faced with plenty of competition for eyeballs, of course. Red Bull, for instance, attracts an average of 362 million views for its livestreams. Lego rakes in an average of 231 million views. There’s no secret formula for that sort of success, but the infographic does say livestreams should have:
Consistent focus and broadcasting
Real-time interaction with viewers
Good connection and video quality
As for what types of videos tend to work, you can:
Go behind the scenes at your company
Host live interviews or Q&A sessions
Feature how your product is made
Announce product launches
To learn more about livestreaming, and to decrease your level of video vexation, check out the rest of the infographic below.
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