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Jailed Reuters Reporters In Myanmar Into More Trouble
9 Jul, 2018 / 01:31 PM / Reeny Joseph

Source: http://www.omnesmedia.com


Two jailed Reuters reporters in Myanmar is into more trouble as a court in Myanmar charged them with the secrets act which can get them a jail term of 14 years. The two Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo were detained six months back and after the preliminary hearings, the Yangon district judge has charged them with official secrets act. The reporters’ pleaded not guilty to the charges and they told the court that they have followed all journalistic ethics.
The reporters seemed to be positive and told outside the court that they will come out fast after proving their innocence. This case has attracted global attention and considers it as an intrusion into press freedom. The international fraternity also feels that these kinds of action can hinder Myanmar’s progress towards complete democracy and also proves that the military has still influence in the country.

In his ruling, the judge said the court had filed charges against both reporters under section 3.1 (c) of the act to probe the prosecution’s allegations that they collected and obtained secret documents pertaining to the security forces with the intention to harm national security 

Reuters President and Editor-in-Chief Stephen J. Adler said the case is absolutely baseless and the organization is totally disappointed about the recent developments. This judgment can seriously affect the credibility on Myanmar’s commitment towards the freedom of the press. He also added that these two journalists were doing their duty and they were unnecessarily framed with charges without any evidence or facts. Myanmar Government refuses to comment on the issue saying that the court in Myanmar functions as an independent body and the law will take its own course of action. The case was adjourned till July 16.