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Khaleej Times Editorial Team Share Their Experience In The Newsroom
18 Apr, 2018 / 04:17 PM / OMNES News

Source: https://www.khaleejtimes.com


Khaleej Times young members of the editorial department share their experience of creating stories that empower and engage readers

Nur Suhaimi, Social Media Journalist 

Building the newsroom of the future

It has been an eye-opening experience working with KT. Being totally new in the news industry, I would say that I have earned great experience working here so far. I am originally from Singapore and studied Mass Communication in college. That is where I developed an interest in Social Media. My inspiration has been Roxana Saberi, the American journalist. What I had learned in school - though useful - was left outside the door as I was brought into the world of real-time journalism. The day-to-day job is immensely varied. In one day, I might be working on sharing a chain story, experimenting new ways, or be busy with repurposing a story, and packaging it to make it Social Media-friendly. In a space of four months, I had been rebuilt from a regular Social Media personnel, to a sceptical Social Media journalist with an array of new skills to verify and discover news from around the world. 

Nur Suhaimi


 Hesham Ahmed Salah Ahmed, Translator

Originally from Egypt, I came to the vibrant city of Dubai in August 2017 and have been working with Khaleej Times since then, as a translator. Khaleej Times has a great atmosphere to work in as a group, and I have had incredible experience working here and being part of this lively newsroom. I take great pride in being a part of the

first English-language newspaper of the UAE and to have the opportunity to celebrate 40 years of the newspaper and its legacy. I believe that 40 years is not a lot of time, so I think we will have to wait and see the new milestones the newspaper crosses in the upcoming 40 years. I am sure, we will as always, be at the top in the future as well! 

Hesham Ahmed