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Sayidaty award for Excellence and Innovation to be held next Sunday
“Sayidaty’s Award for Excellence and Innovation” will be held Next Sunday, December 17, 2017 in the Palace Hall in the Hilton Hotel in Jeddah.
Sayidaty’s award ceremony aims to honor outstanding Saudi women who put their marks in various fields, not only at home but also in the world at large. Names of winners, who met the award’s specifications in all fields, will be announced during the ceremony. Women, who were chosen by the specialized committees that are made up of 35 experts, will receive the awards. The ceremony has many surprises which will be revealed at the time.
Sayidaty’s award ceremony this year coincides with new decisions and realities in Saudi Arabia, that aim to empower women in line with the Kingdom’s vision 2030, which calls on women throughout the Kingdom to be optimistic about a bright future. The ceremony was scheduled to take place at the third quarter of November, but was postponed because of the bad weather conditions which prevailed in Jeddah at that time, and because Sayidaty cares about the safety of the invited guests and audience.
Sayidaty celebrated the first issue of its annual award, “Sayidaty’s Award for Excellence and Innovation” in Riyadh under the patronage of Princess Hissah bint Salman bin Abdulaziz. A number of outstanding Saudi women were honored to bring the success of Saudi women in all fields of life to the limelight. Last year Sayidaty celebrated innovative and outstanding Emirati women in Dubai, in the second issue of the award, which was held under the patronage of Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan. Because Sayidaty is the magazine for all Arab women, it established this award to honor all women who participate in the development of their communities throughout the Arab World during the coming years.
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