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Kuwait Launches TV Channel to Keep Heritage Alive
28 Feb, 2017 / 10:02 AM / Fatima

Source: http://www.kuna.net.kw


Kuwait on Saturday launched the popular heritage television channel, Al-Gurain, coinciding with the national days celebrations.
The new channel promotes Kuwaits popular and genuine heritage, the countrys history and civilization.
Kuwait Television, umbrella of the new channel, feeds it with various items from its rich and precious archive, including works of stalwarts of the Kuwaiti arts and journalism.
Information Ministry Undersecretary Tareq Al-Mezrem has indicated that the launch of the new channel asserts the fact that Kuwait has turned into a key regional media school noting necessity of safeguarding the national, historic and heritages identity, amid soaring competition among diverse TV channels and networks.
Name of the channel is Kuwaits old name, he said, affirming that it will totally depend on the Kuwait TV archive and documentaries.
Meanwhile, Majid Al-Jazzaf, the assistant information undersecretary, indicated that the new channels program would be a blend of old and new movies, documentaries and drama works, adding that there would be coordination with other GCC TV stations.
Al-Gurain will broadcast round the clock on 11055 Nilesat and 12523 Arabsat. (end) amn.rk