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Malta: Thousands Rally To Demand Justice For Murdered Journalist
24 Oct, 2017 / 09:30 am / OMNES News

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/


Anti-corruption blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed in a car bombing last week.

Thousands of people flocked to a rally on Sunday to demand justice for murdered Maltese journalist and anti-corruption blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Crowds packed roads in the capital Valletta as the “national demonstration for justice” began in honour of the 53-year-old, killed in a car bombing on Monday.

Initial shock at the slaughter of a woman whose work investigated the murky corners of Maltese politics, rattling the government and opposition alike, has since given way to demands for a united front for justice.

President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca led local dignitaries at a rally organised by civic groups who urged participants to turn up with Maltese flags but no emblems of party political loyalty.

She then received a group of organisers who handed her a written list of concerns and demands, including that the police commissioner and public prosecutor resign.

“We want justice. We are living a constitutional crisis. There is fear in the country. There is a surplus of criminality,” said one of those who met Preca, referring to a rise in organised crime. “Malta is under the influence of bullies who do whatever they like.”

Demonstrator Manuel Delia, like Caruana Galizia a blogger, praised the murdered reporter.

“Daphne was not killed for lying. Daphne was not killed for offending someone with her words. Daphne was killed because she alone uncovered the illness that has weakened this country where greed rules and the garden of fairness has been burnt down to make way for the tower of desire for money at all costs,” he said.

At the start of the rally, marchers converged on the City Gate, Valletta’s main entrance, bearing slogans such as “Journalists will not be reduced to silence”, “We are not afraid” and “Crooks are everywhere”.

Although citizens mourning the murder say Malta’s deeply-ingrained tribal politics must be laid aside to enable to the shaken island nation to heal its wounds, some berated the political class over the killing.

“The authorities have blood on their hands,” one demonstrator, Francesca Aquilina, said, saying what happened to Caruana Galizia “could happen to anybody”.

Newspapers published a common front page all bearing the slogan “the pen conquers fear”.

Caruana Galizia was often described as a “one-woman Wikileaks” for unflinchingly bringing political dirt to the surface with dogged research into alleged financial corruption by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s inner circle, largely based on the Panama Papers leak.

But she also delved into the dealings of Adrian Delia, the new leader of the opposition Nationalist Party.

The government says it will leave no stone unturned in bringing the killers and their masters to justice, offering a one million euro ($1.2m) reward for information.

Many of Sunday’s marchers paid their respects to Caruana Galizia at a makeshift shrine outside Valletta’s Palace of Justice. “Seeing this demonstration makes us realise what struggles have been undergone to preserve democracy,” said Geraldine Spiteri, a lawyer.

Muscat said last week Caruana Galizia was his “biggest adversary” but noted she had also targeted his rival, Delia, whom she had accused of having an offshore account in the Channel Island of Jersey.