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Media Jobs to Adapt with the Artificial Intelligence Revolution.
21 Apr, 2020 / 03:06 pm / OMNES


In today’s world which is ruled and impacted by digitalization, technology is the powerful magic tool giving wings to imagination and creativity. Technology has invaded everywhere which include mass media platforms like TV, newspapers or news media. When we talk about technology in media ,the first thing which comes to our mind is Artificial Intelligence.

 Giving a whole new shape and identity to media jobs will be revolved around a single technology which  is Artificial Intelligence in the near future. This technology will help the media job  by the imitation of human intelligence for its usage in machines and for programming them to think in terms of humans and to mimic their actions. 

The use of  Artificial Intelligence  is constant and ever-evolving in every sector of life. In fact many have started fearing the use of this technology as they feel it can take them out of their jobs. Once we analyse the use of technology in media we can find that any human job starting from news collection to editing can be done with the help of artificial intelligence. This technology can provide more accurate and  reliable news stories and making a human error is out of question here.

Many  startup news companies  use a combination of machine learning technologies as well as human journalists for creating its news stories. Certain  sites  use its AI to select a story, taking into account the latest trends. Once a topic is selected, it explores thousands of news sources for gathering content, irrespective of the opinions the sources propagate, while also looking into the reliability of the source. Then on the basis of its research, the AI writes its own impartial story.

 Yet at the same time, the company also has a pair of human editors reviewing each of its stories and then feeding the edits back to the AI, which could end up being a major defect for the tech seeing how AI tend to adopt the biases of their creators.

While there is no doubt that software automation will displace some workers, there is no specific evidence that all job will be taken care of by machines.  Content creation can be one area where AI can play a major role to create perfect and genuine news.

Some media companies are moving towards algorithmic generation of content . The Walt Disney company uses AI to generate rapid prototypes: the Disney AI can interpret natural language descriptions of scenes and settings in movie screeenplays in order to generate storyboards and rough animation sequences.

Media ,whether it’s print , digital or social media change is inevitable. Moving towards a technologically advanced era where everything and anything can be generated and created with the help of machines we need to accept the fact that many jobs can be done with the help of Artificial Intelligence to avoid human errors. Social media generated fake news can also be contained with the help of AI . After all technology reins over humans.


By OMNES Editor