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Meta is being sued by a company with the same name; Here's why
22 Jul, 2022 / 09:49 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: http://www.mashable.com


An immersive virtual reality firm called MetaX LLC has filed a trademark infringement complaint against Meta Platforms Inc., the parent company of Facebook-owned Meta Platforms Inc. MetaX LLC claims that Meta Platforms Inc. has illegally taken its moniker for their shift to the metaverse.

Based in New York City "Crushed" and "eviscerated" are the words MetaX used to describe Facebook's rebranding of itself as Meta.

According to a report, an undisclosed sum of money damages and a court order to stop Meta Platforms from using "Meta" for goods and services that overlap with MetaX's trademarks were asked by MetaX.

1/On Oct. 28, 2021, Facebook seized the META name & mark, under which @jbolognino — a pioneer in the field of experiential & immersive technologies, and an initial guardian of the creator community — had the foresight to conduct business since 2010, when he founded Meta.
[contd.] pic.twitter.com/UtXpy4EDmA

— META (@METAbeyond) July 19, 2022
With the metaverse as a shared virtual space predicted to outlive the mobile internet, Meta Platforms changed its name in October 2021 to Meta Platforms.

According to MetaX's creator Justin "JB" Bolognino, Meta Platforms had "not only put our business in peril, but that of the whole industry and the intellectual property rights of inventors that have helped establish it." Bolognino said in a statement.

Meta Platforms did not comment on the matter immediately.

MetaX specializes on experiential and immersive technologies with key focus on AR and VR tech. An executive from Facebook had hailed one of MetaX's encounters in 2017 as "wonderful and extraordinary," according to the company's lawsuit against the social media giant.

Some of the same sites where MetaX has presented its displays, such as Coachella and South by Southwest, have started giving comparable "immersed experiences". As a result it leads to overlapping business operations with Meta Platforms' concentration on the metaverse and related VR and AR.

There has been a lot of confusion in the industry about MetaX and Meta Platforms, which MetaX claims is due to Meta Platforms' rebranding.