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Microsoft Introduces Chatbot To Enable Advertisers With Personalised Customer Engagement
30 Sep, 2017 / 07:02 pm / OMNES News

Source: http://www.thedrum.com


To enable advertisers with calculated and data driven decisions to drive customer engagement , Microsoft has introduced a pilot program for chatbot extension on it's search engine, Bing.

The chatbot will further help companies to connect with customers on questions regarding the feature extension itself. Microsoft will also leverage the chatbot extension to build audience categories to expand its In-Market Audiences.

As an example, the user can search for Monsoon Restaurant Seattle, as the bot is active on it. Just below the 'View on Facebook and Twitter option, users will find the box where its written 'Questions? Ask Monsoon Restaurant bot for help'.

By clicking on the "Chat" button a small Skype window will pop up in the bottom right corner of the browser window, as depicted in the picture above.

Microsoft said: "As users interact in more conversational ways through voice and search, brands you will reach users in a more natural way through direct conversation, keeping customers informed by asking questions and gaining answers quickly through an intelligent bot.

"For example, if you are advertising for a cell phone carrier and you know that people often ask questions about upgrading their phone, Bing can answer questions with Chat Bot Extensions right within our main search results page."

At a recent Reuters event, Microsoft's chief executive officer Satya Nadella mentioned revealed Bing's focus going forward would be to expand within the PC search market.