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Source: http://www.omnesmedia.com
New Zealand’s court of appeal upheld a lower court ruling in 2017 for the extradition of the Internet entrepreneur and Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom. Kim Dotcom can now be taken to the U.S. to face racketeering and criminal copyright charges. Now Dotcom can appeal to the Supreme court which is the highest judicial body in the country. With this judgment, the United States has proved once again their ability to reach out to other countries also to implement their law.
U.S. authorities say Dotcom and three co-accused Megaupload executives have violated all copyright regulations and accumulated huge revenue out of it. The company generated more than $175 million in revenue by encouraging paying users to store and share copyrighted material. The Court of Appeal said the United States had disclosed “a clear prima facie case that the appellants conspired to, and did, breach copyright willfully and on a large scale, for their commercial gain.“An extradition hearing is not a trial. It is held to decide whether there is sufficient evidence to commit a person for trial on a qualifying offense,” the court said in its ruling.
German-born Dotcom has a New Zealand residency and is well known for his extravagant lifestyle and amazing computer proficiency. He used to post photographs of himself with cars and vanity license plates such as “GOD” and “GUILTY”, shooting an assault rifle and flying around the world in his private jet.
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