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Nightlife, clubs, and dining activities can now stay open until 3 AM in Dubai
19 Aug, 2021 / 11:31 AM / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


Amidst all the COVID-19 restrictions and ban on social gatherings, life has been coming back on track for the Dubai residents. Until a few months back, there were limitations on the movement of people, dining or even having a social gathering. However, late nights are back in Dubai.

Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DCTM) has issued a circular with the new rules and has eased rules for Dubai’s nightlife, entertainment, and dining activities.

The clubs, bars, restaurants, and cafes are allowed to stay open until 3 AM, and capacity can increase to 80 percent. However, visitors will not be allowed to stay for more than three hours.

Meanwhile, outdoor concerts can have up to 5,000 attendees and a standing room is also allowed as long as there is space for individuals to move around. However, live concerts will only be allowed for the ones who are fully vaccinated.

For entertainment and sporting events, venue capacity has now been restricted to 60 percent, with performers requiring either vaccination or a negative PCR test within the last 48 hours.

Hotels have been allowed to return to 100 percent capacity, and museums, galleries, and cinemas can now go back to 80 percent capacity. Restaurants and cafes can now have tables of up to 10 but with 1.5 meters distance between tables, whereas social gatherings are limited to 300 people.

Business events can operate at 100 percent capacity, ‘while adhering to all business events protocols’ issued by the department. Institutional events and award ceremonies have been capped at 1,000 people, with no mandatory vaccination requirement.

Additionally, the circular by the DTCM has also warned of the need to fully adhere to the precautionary measures and procedures.