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PitchFest Provides Unique Opportunities For Entrepreneurs With Start-Ups, Growth Of Businesses To Increase Profile, And Develop Strategic Partnerships
3 Jan, 2018 / 03:56 pm / OMNES News

Source: http://www.omnesmedia.com


Al Sarami: All interested parties invited to participate and register through Forum’s website

 The first edition of the Media and Entertainment Investment Forum will be held in Dubai at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in the Dubai International Financial Centre, on April 3rd and 4th 2018. The Forum will offer exciting business partnership opportunities in the media and entertainment sectors, across a vibrant platform that intertwines thought-provoking media and entertainment experts, agile entrepreneurs, dynamic investors, SMEs owners, and BASMA Media, according to the Forum’s Organiser.

The Forum’s second day on will feature presentations on a wide spectrum of startup concepts and ideas, including multichannel media and advertising channels in addition to PR and digital services. This is in order to connect entrepreneurs with a global network of media industry professionals, experts, and service providers from across the globe.

Nasser Al Sarami, Chief Executive Officer of BASMA Media said, “The Forum will provide ample opportunities for all participants, including industry leaders and investors, to unveil their future business ventures. Therefore, we invite all parties interested to connect with us at this Forum where the worlds of Media, Entertainment, and Investment intersect. The invitation is extended to our ambitious youth to promote their new innovative ideas and businesses as well as to all investors and entrepreneurs willing to take their business to the next level.”

 “The Forum’s second day, which will run under the theme PitchFest, is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs with start-ups, through early stage and growth businesses to increase their profile visibility in front of an international audience. Participating entrepreneurs will present their innovative ventures to investors and professionals interested in the media and entertainment industry, fellow entrepreneurs, and the wider start-up community,” Al Sarami added.

“The first-of-its-kind PitchFest is a unique manifestation of our mission to contribute to the growth of creative entrepreneurship within the Media and Entertainment industry in the MENA region. The OMNES PitchFest is our programme of business growth opportunities and experiences for entrepreneurs and small business owners within the Media and Entertainment industry. We in BASMA Media will be the premier supporters for innovative ideas in areas of media, social media, smartphone apps, e-solutions, and many others, that will see the light during the forum in line with our plans aimed at supporting the youth and promoting their initiatives and projects.”

The Media and Entertainment Investment Forum will be organised by Hits Marketing DMCC for BASMA Media, the developer of OMNESMEDIA.com – a comprehensive, state-of-the-art platform offering users invaluable insights into an array of multimedia channels, advertising, PR, and digital services. It aims to connect users with a world-wide network of media industry professionals, experts, and service providers.

The Media and Entertainment Investment Forum will witness a diverse programme of panel discussions and keynote speeches covering the latest and most controversial challenges and trends. It aims to attract, not only media and entertainment experts, but also luminaries in the field and industry thought leaders.

The Forum’s provisional agenda includes a wide range of keynote speeches and topics, including the Future of Media and Entertainment; Evolution of Video, Gaming and Content; Content, Creativity and Storytelling; The 21st Century Media Agency: Models and Innovations; Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning in Media and Entertainment; Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR); The Ultimate Experiential Journey; Optimising Data for the Media and Entertainment Industry; How Can New Media and Entertainment Transform, Impact, and Contribute to a Sustainable Future?; and, Driving Innovation Through Leadership, Diversity, and Corporate Social Responsibility.

BASMA Media has recently launched a dedicated website for the forum to facilitate direct registration through the following link: http://www.omnesforum.com