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President Trump Tweets Harshly Against Negative Media Coverage
26 May, 2020 / 09:44 AM / OMNES


U.S President Donald Trump responded in Twitter against negative media coverage of him playing golf during the coronavirus pandemic. "The Fake and Totally Corrupt News makes it sound like a mortal sin!" the golf-loving president said on Twitter.

US President Donald Trump fumed at negative media coverage of him playing golf over Memorial Day weekend, as the US death count from the coronavirus pandemic neared 100,000. He also noted that the game at his own course in Virginia was the first time he had played since early March.

The timing of his outing, as the nation approached a milestone in deaths from the pandemic, sparked widespread criticism in the media, with commentators recalling Trump's own past attacks on his predecessor Barack Obama for playing the game during the 2014 Ebola outbreak.

"There are times to play and times that you can't play. It sends the wrong signal," Trump said at the time. "You know when you're president you sorta say, like, 'I'm gonna give it up for a couple of years and I'm really gonna focus on the job,'" he said in 2014. After being raked over the coals at the weekend, Trump lambasted the media as being "sick with hatred and dishonesty."

"I knew this would happen!" he said. "What they don't say is that it was my first golf in almost 3 months, and, if I waited three years, they would do their usual 'hit' pieces anyway."

Trump received some unexpected support from one-time Obama adviser David Axelrod. "I don't often defend this @POTUS but I don't begrudge him a round of golf," Axelrod, now a political commentator, said on Twitter.

"Besides, it gives the rest of us a respite from those crazy tweets! Yes, it's hypocritical for @realDonaldTrump to have attacked @BarackObama for seeking some relief from the pressures of the presidency on the golf course when Trump has logged many more rounds," he said. "It's also hypocritical to attack Trump for it now if you defended Obama then.

Source- NDTV