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Qatar's first 3D printed sculpture moulded out of concrete within minutes
21 Jun, 2021 / 09:41 AM / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


Middle Eastern kingdoms building smart cities are also turning towards high-tech construction, as robots and eco-friendly practices are being adopted by the sector. The regional tech oasis UAE has already started using AI-backed machines for drilling and installing elevators, while Dubai is now home to the world's largest 3D printed building.

A collaboration of AI and 3D printing tech in art is currently on display at the Dubai Expo, in form of the most accurate replica of Michelangelo's iconic sculpture 'David'. To mark Qatar's foray into construction assisted by digital innovation, the country's first 3D printed structure has been created from concrete, in less than 30 minutes.

The sculpture showing different hands carrying the Qatari flag to highlight diversity among its people, was created as part of a collaboration at the country's only 3D printing facility. The technology was able to speed up creation of the structure, since it cuts out the need for develop a mould, once the designing process is complete.

This creative feat highlights endless possibilities for the region's construction industry, since one of the firms which contributed to the project, has trained operators to 3D print complex objects from concrete locally. Although there isn't any procedure chalked out for approval of 3D printed buildings in Qatar, the partners are hoping to use the tech for meeting green construction targets set by the country for 2030.

Innovators behind the 'Flag of Glory' structure are also aiming to boost sustainable building practices, by recycling concrete from demolished structures, and using it as material for 3D printing. Adoption of this technology is expected to increase safety and bring down consumption of resources, since accurately printed blocks can be held together thanks to precise placement.

Late last year, the Emirati city of Sharjah also became home to the first functional house created entirely out of 3D printed components, which were moulded from quick-drying concrete.