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Researchers combine satellites with AI to unearth ancient treasures in UAE
29 Jul, 2021 / 09:04 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


Satellites launched in the past year are already strengthening the security of Emirati borders and supporting climate change research in the country. Other parts of the Middle East are using smaller satellites to help students understand the cosmos better, while low orbit mechanical moons are being touted as a backup for connectivity in the UAE.

From X-ray that facilitated the study of a mummy without even touching the covering, to virtual tours of an ancient Roman city in Lebanon, tech has allowed history geeks to explore the Middle East's past. Following in the footsteps of their peers, Emirati researchers have combined AI and satellite data to get a bird's eye view of untouched archaeological sites.

Equipped with an eye in the sky, the team is using remote sensing for generating 3D images of objects buried underneath the desert near Al Ain. A synthetic aperture radar mounted on a satellite is used to beam waves onto the site, for creating high resolution images based on the specifications from data which is reflected back.

But innovators have raised the level of exploration by adding machine learning to the mix, in order to map out unexplored parts of remains which have already been spotted. The mechanism that they've created, can identify objects sized one metre, buried up to two metres under the sand.

AI which keeps on processing data also makes sure that the system becomes more accurate with time, and the method of detecting artefacts remotely, cuts down costs of excavations. The tool can be deployed in deserts or dry regions in any part of the world.

In the past few months, solutions like 3D imaging have allowed researchers to decode ancient engravings to find out answers about the Middle East's past. On the other hand Qatar has digitised millions of documents about the Arab world's history, to make knowledge more accessible.

Currently researchers at Khalifa University are using their combination of smart tech and satellite imaging to scan an iron-age metal factory, which was first unearthed in 2002.