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Jordan: Roya TV to go HD on first day of Ramadan
15 May, 2017 / 10:23 AM / Fatima

Source: http://www.digitalstudiome.com


Roya TV will move to HD transmission on the first day of Ramadan.

The TV station, which is set to become the first channel in Jordan to go high definition, will broadcast in HD via Nilesat, frequency 11957 horizontal.

As it continues to pioneer high quality media content, Roya TV secures its place as the first Jordanian broadcasting media to go in this direction.

Fares Sayegh, general manager of Roya, confirmed that the upgraded channel will work alongside the old channel on the SD broadcast system.

Roya TV is a privately owned Jordanian satellite channel that was launched in January 2011, as part of the Sayegh group.