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Saudi Arabia commemorated International Day of Charity with a boost to the non-profit sector
7 Sep, 2021 / 06:33 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


As the world marked the International Day of Charity on September 5, Saudi Arabia, too, marked the day with a boost to the sector.

The Saudi Arabian Cabinet has approved the organisation of the National Center for the Development of the Non-Profit Sector to regulate the non-profit sector and keep it in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

The approval aims to contribute to the GDP of 5 percent of the non-profit sector and raise the number of volunteers to one million by the year 2030.

According to the Center, there are 3,156 non-profit organisations in the Kingdom. Its task is to implement the principle of social solidarity by providing assistance to the poor and needy to bring together the principles of coexistence, tolerance, and cohesion, especially during the crises and pandemics that the world is witnessing.

The Center also helps charitable institutions to develop constructive plans to achieve their goals based on their principles and values and aims to spread the culture of charitable work.

The houses various charitable organisations and groups who strive to help the communities with a wide range of activities like promoting family health and helping those in need, secure shelter, implement programs to make working families self-reliant, and assisting young people seeking to acquire professional skills for the labour market.

Not just that, there also is a platform ‘Ehsan’ that strengthens ties between members of society and strengthens confidence in non-profit organisations in the region. The platform was launched to raise the level of reliability and transparency in charitable work and raise the contribution of the charitable sector to the GDP.