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Source: http://www.mashable.com
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has started the preparation of the Hajj 2024 season.
As pilgrims from all over the world have started arriving in Saudi Arabia, the authorities are making sure that the annual Hajj in the Kingdom, which is considered the world’s largest human gathering goes smoothly.
On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, Kiswa of the Holy Kaaba was raised in preparation for the start of Haj 1445 AH-2024. The authorities in Makkah, Saudi Arabia conducted the annual ceremony after Isha prayers. Take a look:
تأتي أعمال رفع #كسوة_الكعبة_المشرفة والعناية بها، ضمن الاهتمام البالغ والرعاية الفائقة للحرمين الشريفين و #الكعبة_المشرفة من قبل القيادة الرشيدة -حفظها الله-.
تم وبحمد الله الانتهاء من أعمال رفع #كسوة_الكعبة_المشرفة وتقبّل الله منّا ومنكم صالح الأعمال. pic.twitter.com/W25QbLhWJt — الهيئة العامة للعناية بشؤون الحرمين (@AlharamainSA) May 22, 2024
وتبدأ الأعمال بفك أسفل الكسوة من جميع الجوانب وفصل أركان الكسوة وفك الحبل السفلي وإخراجه من حلقات تثبيت الكسوة، ولف الكسوة بارتفاع 3 م وموازاتها على ارتفاع واحد وتثبيتها ، وفك 3 من القناديل ثم تثبيت القماش الأبيض على جميع الجهات كلٌ على حدة، وتركيب القناديل على القماش الأبيض… pic.twitter.com/QfvmyrW9he — الهيئة العامة للعناية بشؤون الحرمين (@AlharamainSA) May 22, 2024
تقرير مرئي | اكتمال أعمال رفع #كسوة_الكعبة_المشرفة استعدادًا لحج 1445هـ. pic.twitter.com/hepydCoLik — الهيئة العامة للعناية بشؤون الحرمين (@AlharamainSA) May 22, 2024
According to the Arab News a team of 36 specialized technical personnel with the help of 10 cranes carried out the procedure carefully.
The Kiswa aka Ghilaf e Kaaba is the elaborately designed black cloth covering the Holy Kaaba. It was raised by three meters and the lower part was covered with a white cotton cloth, called Ihram, two meters wide on all four sides.
The first sacred house ever built for people, the Kaaba, holds unparalleled significance as a destination worthy of pilgrimage.#Makkah_and_Madinah_Eagerly_Await_You#No_Hajj_without_a_permit#Hajj_1445H pic.twitter.com/cFxM1agPDa — Ministry of Hajj and Umrah (@MoHU_En) May 22, 2024
The Kiswa is made up of 670 kilograms of raw silk. Verses from the Holy Quran are woven in gold-plated thread on the black cloth. This annual custom of raising Kiswa is to help prevent damage to the Holy Kaaba before the Hajj.
Meanwhile, every year, the process of changing the new Kiswa takes place on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah, which is the last month of the Islamic calendar. However, it was moved to the first day of Muharram in 2022.
The annual pilgrimage of Hajj begins on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah and lasts until the 13th of Dhul Hijjah. Hajj 2024 is set to take place between June 14, to June 19, 2024.
The Ministry of Interior: A fine of 10,000 riyals against all citizens & residents who are caught without a Hajj permit. The fine imposed on violators, amounting to 10,000 riyals, will be doubled if the violation is repeated. Violators will be deported if they are a foreign pic.twitter.com/MztcERa7OG — The Holy Mosques (@theholymosques) May 7, 2024
Earlier, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Hajj and Umrah also warned pilgrims against fraudulent activities. The Kingdom also announced fines for violations of Hajj rules and regulations.
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