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Sayidaty.net Remains Top Online Portal for Women in Saudi Arabia and Across the Region
15 Apr, 2018 / 01:46 PM / sarah Jazzazi


The official numbers are in: according to Effective Measure, one of the most reliable websites for statistical data, Sayidaty.net remains the top choice in March for women across the region. Based on viewership and visitor numbers, the renowned online portal continues to rank number 1, with competitor websites straggling far behind.

The number of registered users from across the globe peaked at 7.4 million, with 60 million page views in March (at a rate of 65 percent of visitor accessing the site via their mobile devices). During the entire month, Sayidaty.net held on to its number one spot, reaching an average of 28 million page views through more than 4.1 million visits from the Gulf area alone. The website saw 462,000 users from the United Arab Emirates and 175,000 from Kuwait.

These staggering results have come at a time when Sayidaty.net is enjoying increased popularity along with its other portals and platforms, which together have more than 15 million followers on their social media pages. This is in part due to the online portal evolving with audience needs, constantly developing its media presence and launching the Sayidaty channel via Snapchat Discover, making it the first Arab channel selected for the launch of Snapchat’s redesigned platform.

In addition, Sayidaty Kitchen has maintained its leading position in the GCC region, while also witnessing a significant increase in total visits in Saudi Arabia, amounting to 1.4 million viewers, making it one of the most important platforms for culinary news and information in the Arab world.

In comparison to other Saudi Arabian websites, the lifestyle portal came in fifth, with more than 3.3 million visitors and 6 million page views in March.

The month before, in February, Sayidaty.net also ranked fifth place, with the total number of visitors amounting to 3 million. However, its print version, Sayidaty Magazine, continues to hold its leading position in terms of distribution in Saudi Arabia, with 22.4 percent in 2014 according to Ipsos.

Sayidaty.net continues to excel in all areas, its success made possible by core editorial policies and the distinctive content offered on its various portals. All content is researched and produced by a team of experienced journalists, as well as a vast network of correspondents across the globe who are working to ensure that the portal remains the go-to source for news, updates, interviews, lifestyle pieces, and more.