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Scopernia Launched Middle East’s First Gaming Consulting Service
18 May, 2021 / 01:15 pm / Reeny Joseph


Scopernia, a new generation management consulting firm, has launched the Middle East region’s first gaming consulting service – Scopernia Gaming. Designed to accelerate the growth of organisations and enable them to be future-fit, Scopernia Gaming empowers businesses to draw from the learnings of the gaming industry and apply best practices in their operations for higher levels of efficiency and productivity. 

Scopernia Gaming also supports organisations to become more actively involved in the gaming world and also to design and develop their brand strategies to appeal to the next generation of digital-first game-savvy customers. Through insights on the right gaming community to engage, organisations can develop a strong engagement strategy that translates to tangible benefits.

Scopernia Gaming is the result of a strong collaboration between Scopernia and gaming industry expert Lalit Vase, who led Red Entertainment Distribution, a video games distribution and marketing house for 20 years; Founded Power League Gaming, a gaming and esports focused strategy and activation agency, and founded NASR ESPORTS, the leading esports team in the MENA region. 

Announcing the launch, Jeremy Denisty, Managing Director MENA at Scopernia, said: “Scopernia Gaming is truly a game-changing consulting service in the region. It takes into consideration one of the most important audiences for all organisations – the Middle East’s largest demographic, its youth. By understanding the aspirations and attitudes of young people through insights gained from the gaming industry, we will support government and business entities to be prepared for the future.”

Launching Scopernia Gaming was a natural fit to the existing operations of the company, he explained. “Making organisations future-fit is our core business. So naturally, helping entities, entrepreneurs, and business leaders harness the power of gaming as one of the fastest growing and most successful industry was an organic evolution. With the pandemic calling for internal transformation of organisations, gaming consultancy offers an efficient pathway to make them agile, flexible and relevant. Lalit Vase brings a strong understanding of the gaming community which enables us to identify and build brand values that foster genuine connections.”

Scopernia Gaming’s co-founder Lalit Vase said: “I have spent more than two decades in video gaming and have seen it grow from a niche business to a mainstream form of entertainment. The video gaming and eSports industry has a bright future in the Middle East. With Scopernia Gaming, we aim to advise people and companies on how they can leverage the learnings from the gaming industry.”