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Sharjah International Commercial Arbitration Centre (TAHKEEM) launches initiative "Ask Tahkeem" Legal Counsel
4 Sep, 2020 / 11:35 AM / Sharjah International Commercial Arbitration Centre


Sharjah International Commercial Arbitration Centre (TAHKEEM) has launched a quality initiative as part of its CSR community responsibility programmes. The initiative, named "Ask Tahkeem", has been designed with the aim of serving the community and increasing public interaction with the center, through various modern social media channels, as well as enhancing its position as an information reference and source of legal advice in the UAE in particular, and the region in general.

Ahmed Saleh Alechla, Director of Sharjah International Commercial Arbitration Centre said: the main idea of the initiative is to provide a network of lawyers and specialists in various fields and sectors, who can provide advice and legal solutions to resolve disputes by answering the public's questions.

He added: "This initiative will open the door to questions to the general public, and an appropriate person from the network of the arbitration center will provide advice in no longer than 24 hours.

Alechla addressed the mechanism of the initiative, saying that "a network of jurists and specialists in various social and commercial sectors will be provided.” He also called on the public to take advantage of the initiative and interact with it by asking their questions by visiting the website or platforms of the center through various social media channels.

Speaking about the center and its functions, which is an Emirati center based in Sharjah, Alechla explained that it was founded by Ameri Decree in March 2009, and is considered the first semi-governmental institution in the field of arbitration.

"In arbitration, we are keen to deal with all disputes resulting from investment and commercial business in a highly professional and legal manner, and because "arbitration" is a non-profit entity, we do not aim to achieve profits but rather seek to help businessmen resolve their business disputes”, he added.

He stressed that arbitration is the best solution to all problems related to the business fields, through finding the easiest and fastest goal to provide investors with highly experienced and skilled arbitrators in order to enhance economic and investment stability in the country.

With regard to future features and plans for the Center for Arbitration, he said: “We aspire to become one of the most important global classification centers for dispute resolution, fostering a culture of arbitration rather than litigation. Not only will we provide a transparent and efficient service to benefit our customers today, but we will also train future arbitrators in a way that benefits the community as a whole, based on the deep belief that a society that promotes friendly solutions and treats all parties fairly will enjoy growth and prosperity."