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SIS LIVE And ABS Launch Platform For OU Services
27 Sep, 2017 / 06:06 pm / OMNES News

Source: http://www.digitalstudiome.com/


Broadcast connectivity specialist SIS LIVE and satellite operator ABS have launched a platform dedicated to occasional use (OU) services in Europe. The service will benefit broadcasters that need to deliver video and data feeds to users for limited periods.

The platform, SIS LIVE Gateway Service, offers broadcasters and service providers a flexible and reliable OU platform at competitive rates. It provides OU booking services and satellite line-up support for the Ku-band European beam capacity of the ABS-3A satellite. ABS-3 is located at 3°W, which connects the Americas, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

The service is managed in collaboration with ABS technical and operational staff through SIS LIVE’s OU booking desk and MCR technical staff using SIS LIVE’s teleports and connectivity infrastructure.

The gateway service serves ABS customers, providing an effective and competitive platform to deliver video and data feeds to the widest broadcasters’ community in Europe.

Tom Choi, CEO, ABS said: “SIS LIVE is highly regarded, with a deep understanding of the OU market on multiple platforms, and for multiple applications. This is a major boost for both companies that will further enhance our respective businesses overall. The ability to provide this new platform will accelerate the development of new opportunities in Europe and potentially other markets in the future.”

David Meynell, managing director, SIS LIVE, said: “Our Gateway Services offering enables customers to take advantage of the world-class broadcast assets and expertise of both companies to tailor a unique Opex model that