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Smart air quality monitoring installed at Dubai offices to deliver healthy work environments
21 Nov, 2021 / 12:03 AM / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


The system will collect air quality data to be analysed for insights on improvement.

Rising emissions across the globe have wreaked havoc on the environment and in efforts to repair the damage to our planet, even major oil producing countries like UAE and Saudi Arabia are turning towards alternatives to reduce air pollution, which also makes life difficult in urban spaces bustling with activity. Dubai has started the shift towards electric vehicles and has set up the world's largest solar park to light up homes in an eco-friendly manner.

With a vision to tackle pollution threatening the health of residents, Dubai has also launched a satellite to monitor air quality, and has turned towards greener pastures by creating energy from trash. Following the government's measures to ensure a healthy environment, a company called AirZones is offering a smart monitoring tech, which analyses data from indoor spaces to issue recommendations for improving air quality.

Designed to help the workforce breathe free, AirZone's system has been installed at a real estate firm's office in Dubai, and has started collecting information about the amount of pollutants in the air across the massive space. Once this data will be processed, the firm can provide suggestions about the materials being used at the workplace, which can be replaced to purify air, that can ultimately lead to healthier employees.

Creating a soothing environment by doing away with pollution is also known to increase productivity by boosting a positive approach among the workforce. In the new normal, when everyone is more aware about personal health and especially their respiratory system, this solution also reassures clients visiting the office.

This mechanism is similar to an app which was deployed to monitor air quality at malls in the Middle East, so that technicians can be alerted about any deterioration, for ensuring a healthy environment at the premises. The service provided by AirZone has been deployed at a commercial space to start with, but it's also available for smart households across the UAE.