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Snapchat Gets Its Most Important Update To Date
6 Jul, 2017 / 09:31 am / Reem Ibrahim

Source: http://wersm.com


Snapchat dropped a massive update yesterday, introducing not one, but three new features, which change the way people share and fundamentally alter its core functions.

According to reports from Mashable, two of the updates touch upon the creative side of the platform, while the last one change the way users interact with content within the app. Let’s see them.

The first update is called Backdrops and (surprise surprise) allows users to create animated backgrounds for their snaps. Snapchat will release new Backdrops every day for users to play around – and for advertisers to promote their products. Yeah, we can definitely see that happening.

The second update will give users the opportunity to create voice effects without having to use Lenses. Voice changing lenses, have been a popular choice among Snapchatters, so it made sense for the app to separate it into two different options. In the near future, users will get to record their Snap, and tapping on the speaker icon will allow them to preview and change the voice in it.

The third and most important update can be a goldmine, especially for advertisers, as it changes dramatically the way the app works. Snapchat was built on the premise that content created by users would not be clickable, that is there could be no redirection to a website. However, the latest batch of updates takes this down and will now allow users to add links to their snaps!

The new tool, named Paper clips does exactly that; It lets Snapchatters add links to their Stories and snaps with friends. This could mean a whole new boost, especially for influencers, who will now be able to endorse products and services, while giving the opportunity to track performance and ROI on their snaps. 

These updates come at close proximity with the latest set of important updates released by the App. Earlier in June, Snapchat announced the roll out of its self-selve ad platform, while only a week ago it started giving users the opportunity to create their own Geofilters, straight from their mobile phones.