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Solar energy empowers Syrian women and saves the environment
5 Jul, 2021 / 03:31 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: http://me.mashable.com


Solar and wind energy along with other eco-friendly alternatives have been adopted across the globe and in the Middle East, to save the planet. UAE is all set to complete the construction of world's biggest solar park near Dubai, with an aim to light up households in the evolving smart city.

Technology has recently been used for life-changing initiatives, including portals that help people increase chances of employment, and apps for people to share a portion of their income with those in need. At the same time a campaign in Turkey has combined measures to save our ecosystem, with efforts to brighten up lives of women from war torn Syria, using the sun's energy.

The initiative called 'Solar Age' is hosting women and children from the conflict ridden country at a Turkish village, where asylum seekers are known to arrive on their way to Europe. With a view to empower refugees for becoming self-sufficient in the future, training centres have been set up for teaching electrical engineering and spreading knowhow about solar energy systems.

Courses focus on strengthening women with the skills required to make rechargeable solar power banks, which can increase their chances of securing employment. As trainees gain knowledge to support their families, volunteers from across the globe keep their children engaged in educational plays.

Devices created by these women will be built from wasted wood, and can be charged using a solar panel or via plug-in power sources. Having these gadgets to charge their phones for navigation, can also help a large number of Syrian asylum seekers find their way through the rough terrain.

The programme inspired by a similar effort in India, was initiated in Turkey back in 2017 with just seven volunteers, and since than over 250 women have benefited from it. There's tremendous potential for the initiative to grow, in a country that hosts millions of asylum seekers.