Home > Media News > Surprise! Puck’s Ramadan Ad Doesn’t Only Target Women

Surprise! Puck’s Ramadan Ad Doesn’t Only Target Women
12 Jun, 2017 / 10:18 AM / Fatima

Source: http://www.communicateonline.me


Ramadan is a month when people around the world abstain from food and drink from dusk to dawn. Unsurprisingly then, meal times are joyous occasions bringing together family and friends as they celebrate the spiriting of giving and sharing. There are two traditional meals: the suhour, which takes place pre-dawn and the iftar at dusk.

In many Middle Eastern countries, work hours are reduced so that people can go home and rest before iftar or prepare for it. Oddly enough, it’s women – even working professionals – who are tasked with the latter while men tend to relax. In many traditional cultures, this has become the norm – especially in the Middle East where women have accepted this as their role. Even brands tend to reinforce this through their ads where women are commonly showed cooking or hosting a suhour or iftar.

But, if Ramadan is indeed about giving, then why are women the only ones doing so; and if Ramadan is indeed about sharing, then why aren’t men sharing the responsibilities as much as the celebration? And so, Arla Foods’ Puck decided to encourage men to lend “A Helping Hand” to women in their homes this Ramadan through its TVC and social media activities. The brand is pushing young boys and men to help their mothers, sisters, and wives and share it using the hashtag #AHelpingHand, which according to a quick Twitter search is not the best or most original hashtag choice.

Nevertheless, the video has received positive comments and engagement through social media, and Puck plans to expand the campaign to other markets through male influencers and other online and social channels targeting men.