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Switzerland shall be open for all vaccinated GCC guests as from 28 June 2021
12 Jun, 2021 / 01:57 PM / Switzerland

Source: http://www.omnesmedia.com


Switzerland shall be open for all vaccinated GCC guests as from 28 June 2021. All EMA and WHO approved vaccinations including Sinopharm will be accepted.

The Swiss government has outlined the return to normality after the global pandemic. It has proposed that as from the 28 June 2021, fully vaccinated guests from the GCC countries shall be able to enter Switzerland again without having to undergo quarantine, nor testing. This proposal is subject to final ratification by the parliament on June 23rd. All EMA (European Medical Agency) and WHO Emergency Use approved vaccinations including Sinopharm will be accepted. Schengen Visas can be requested again through the VFS outlets in due course. Emiratis don’t need a visa.

The complete freedom to travel internationally and the full opening of tourist infrastructures (restaurants, events, leisure facilities) are of utmost importance for tourism. The Swiss tourism industry is thus ready to welcome international guests from the GCC again as of 28th of June. Comprehensive protection concepts are in place to ensure their safety. Matthias Albrecht, Director GCC, Switzerland Tourism jubilates: “We are extremely happy and feel quite emotional that we finally can go back to what we do best; to host guests in our magnificent country. And we believe with our beautiful nature and uncrowded boutique towns as well as wide-open landscapes, Switzerland is the natural choice for a post-Covid holiday. Now that borders will open, we can’t wait to welcome each one of you!”

In the GCC, the desire to travel is increasing almost daily. People are now planning their trips for the summer. The Swiss government stated that it is adhering to the opening strategy of the EU, or rather the Schengen area, and will therefore aim to open the country’s borders to vaccinated people, from June 28, just in time for the summer holidays. The fact that Switzerland - considered a highly desirable travel destination worldwide - is ready to welcome international guests from the summer months onwards is very positive. And guests appreciate - especially after the pandemic - Switzerland's values such as reliability, cleanliness, safety and naturalness.

Maximum protection concepts.

Over the last 12 months, rigorous protection concepts have proven extremely efficient and ensured that there was no outbreak hotspot at any tourist destination in Switzerland, despite the fact that hotels, restaurants in hotels and ski resorts were open. Over 4,000 tourism businesses use the Swiss "Clean&Safe" label to document the application of comprehensive protection concepts. Guests can get information on the current various protection concepts on the corresponding website and, thus, know with maximum transparency which measures have been implemented to guarantee their protection and mutual safety.