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Source: https://me.mashable.com/
The 3D responsive face will give authenticity to an archaeological reconstruction.
Technology including AI, cloud and 3D printing among others have opened a window into the future for human beings to innovate, in order to develop digital solutions for everyday problems, but at the same time it has also led to inventions which are unearthing details about our past. Sophisticated tech like LiDAR has enabled archaeologists to spot ancient ruins in remote locations, while virtual reality now allows history geeks from across the globe to take a tour of Roman cities in the Middle East.
Use of machine learning has also led to the creation of robots which are more and more like human beings, with emotional intelligence, cognitive abilities and facial features that allow them to express emotions. Taking that technology and combining it with 3D remodelling, has allowed researchers to resurrect a man who used to live on the banks of the river Danube in Serbia as many as 10,000 years back.
Remains of the ancient individual were unearthed archaeologists, who then reconstructed his face via 3D and used Digital Ancient Human tech to give expressions to the image of the Neolithic man. They used bone studies, and also figured out his diet, before gauging his age via tooth cementum, before employing computer tomography to understand his level of physical activity.
The next step was to decode the colour of his skin through DNA sequencing, along with lactose tolerance and muscle activity, after which a biokinetic model to simulate his facial gestures was designed. All of this was used to create an osteobiography of the person, to unlock more details about his life, and to provide authenticity to his face.
Scientists collaborated with experts from a gaming company to demonstrate the fascinating results of combining different disciplines.
Serbia's pavilion also has a chill-out zone which offers free solar energy as well as data connections in public spaces, to highlight sustainibility. People can also enter virtual reality at the location, to attend a European music fest, where they get to catch a glimpse of David Guetta.
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