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Teenager creates platform to share knowledge via book recycling in UAE
26 Jul, 2021 / 10:20 AM / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


The last couple of years have witnessed a rise in innovative digital tools crafted to let young minds gain knowledge beyond their syllabus. Apart from avenues for extracting more information through the internet, apps have created immersive experiences with virtual classes, to boost e-learning.

The easy access to data on technology and innovation has also supported young minds in the UAE who have created marvels including robo-docs for schools and a Wikipedia for people of determination. The latest whizkid to join the list of brilliant Emirati teens, is an Indian-origin student who has created an app for recycling knowledge.

Branded as ReuseKitab, which translates to reuse books, the app creates a database of used books with contact details of the donors, so that people looking for material can coordinate with them. Students across the UAE can look up content based on name of the book or simply search sets according to subject matter.

Just three months after its launch, the app has amassed 490 books, and has listings for packages or individual books from 120 schools in the country. Search filters for finding the right study material, include author name and title.

The boy Arush Nagpal got the inspiration for his solution to prevent books from getting wasted, by observing WhatsApp groups set up to trade books. But to save and share knowledge, he decided to develop a more efficient alternative, based on donations.

Upgrades to include fiction and non-fiction books for summer breaks in the online pile are also in the pipeline, and the teenager may add used school uniforms to the mix as well.

But more than the concept, it's his passion for coding that drives the young innovator, who had launched an app that teaches multiplication last year. Arush doesn't intend to slow down, as he also seeks to integrate smart tech based on machine learning, into his future projects.