Home > Media News > TermsAgainstBullying.com , digital Platform Created to Attend Cyber bullying

TermsAgainstBullying.com , digital Platform Created to Attend Cyber bullying
21 Nov, 2019 / 10:55 AM / Anas Barbarawi


Nowadays a major reason for concern is that bullying incidents are increasing in spite of the protection laws. TermsAgainstBullying .com is  a unique digital platform which allows the victim to report the bullies’ cell phone number – straight to a regulatory body, and then to the offender's mobile service provider. A recent study published in the UK reveals, that teenagers who suffer bullying are three times more likely to commit suicide. Several platforms are trying to combat bullying by providing information about its dangers which includes  TV shows – like the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” . Even then the issue is not addressed properly.

As technology is so advanced people are connected more socially and the most bullying happens in the social media platforms. Most of the platforms give chances to report and take action against bullying. WhatsApp due to its encryption, can do nothing to block or control its messages.

Cyberbullying is already considered as one of the leading causes of depression, suicidal tendencies and life-long trauma among young people. In Portugal, the law considers bullying and cyberbullying a crime punishable by up to five years imprisonment when the offender is over 16 years old. However, even under this law, victims are discredited or afraid to report, and attackers remain unpunished and free to use their smart phones as a weapon to spread hatred.

The terms and conditions section in mobile phone company contracts contains specific clauses designed to provide protection against violence. Customers who have committed any kind of digital violence, or harmed others, could face the immediate cancellation of their cell phone number. Using a tool  termsgainstbullying.com receives complaints and sends them to the regulatory body of each European country. It will be responsible for ensuring that mobile providers comply with contractual clauses, that obliges them to cancel the contracts of those who have committed digital violence.

Termsagainstbullying.com also draws attention to the different types of bullying, thus educating about the various types of digital violence, that should be reported.

This project was conceived and created by the independent creative agency, White Rabbit Budapest.