Home > Media News > The 12th edition of Ice Warrior Challenge to take place on October 8 in Dubai

The 12th edition of Ice Warrior Challenge to take place on October 8 in Dubai
28 Sep, 2021 / 10:42 AM / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


Organised by Dubai Sports Council (DSC), in collaboration with Ski Dubai, the challenge will take place on October 8.

An event that puts your fitness to the test in a freezing set-up, the 12th edition of Ice Warrior Challenge is coming back to Dubai, taking place at Ski Dubai in the Mall of the Emirates.

The Ice Warrior Challenge is one of the toughest commando assault courses in the business, where participants have to tackle different obstacles like monkey bar swings, tyre runs and net crawls in sub-zero temperatures.

Organised by Dubai Sports Council (DSC), in collaboration with Ski Dubai, the challenge will take place on October 8, registrations for which is now open for all snow sports enthusiasts on their website.


The challenge is open to anyone between the ages of 15 and 60, but limited spaces are available, registrations for which are open till October 5.

For this year, the event has also introduced a ladies-only category and an elite category for participants with high fitness levels who can complete the course in less than 25 minutes. The rest of the participants will be divided into three mixed groups.

The elite group will be the first to challenge the course starting at 6.30 AM, followed by the three mixed groups, while the ladies only group will start at 8.15 AM.

The runners will begin the race in socially distanced groups of five, who will be timed individually. All participants will have to be ready with their race number pinned to the front of their jerseys or jackets, and timing chips wrapped around their ankles, no later than 15 minutes before the scheduled start of their category.

Winners of the challenge will be awarded a medal and a souvenir Ice Warrior T-shirt after returning their timing chip at the finish line.